What are the different User Modes?


Think of the user modes as preset filters. The function of the various User Modes (filters) is to regulate the sheer number of races to be rated. You simply use these preset filters to control the number of races to concetrate on. The fact that Extreme User Mode (the weakest filter showing every single race that's been assessed by FormGenie) shows a long term profit analysing and making predictions on over 11,000 races/selections per year is an excellent guide to the potential of the other user modes (filters).

Once the day's racecards have been processed and runners rated the software will assign each race to a nested hierarchical user mode (each race subjected to a preset filtering). The weakest selections are included in Extreme User mode simply because there has to be a top-rated by default even if it does not constitute a strong bet. Even this mode has a remarkable 33% strike rate for Top Rated only. The next strongest are assigned to Super User mode. This is the mode where we publish a daily 365 profit and loss report. After Super User we have Power User which represents the best of the Super User selections - it is from this User Mode that we publish a daily results blog - there are typically between 0 and 6 selections per day in this user mode (bank holidays and Saturdays may have more due to more race meetings).

It is important to realise that all Power User selections can also be found in Super User mode, but not all Super User selections can be found in Power User mode.

Below is a diagram to illustrate how the main "nested" user modes work. You will see that all Power User selections are included in Super User, but not all Super User selections are included in Power User mode.

Furthermore, annual subscribers will get the Steamer version of these User Modes. This is an incredible market-intelligence adjusted hybrid of the Regular ratings providing even higher success rates. You will see the daily Steamer results on the home page (you will need to toggle between Regular and Steamers).

Nested User Modes allow users to be selective about the quantity and quality of selections.




Annual Users can export selections. See header info here.


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