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Horseracing Tips

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FormGenie is a computer program that generates horseracing tips. Using AI to generate handicap & speed ratings for every UK and Irish horserace, this incredible Horse Race Tipping program's output is available to you via any web browser. FormGenie predicts winners of horse racing with remarkable accuracy with the top-rated winning over 40% of races*. An impressive 53% of races are won by the FormGenie top 3 rated. A multitude of vital factors are analysed as the intelligent algorithms combine unique speed-figures and form-ratings (handicap-ratings) to calculate a contextual master rating. Members simply login to the website to see today's & tomorrow's horseracing tips. We advise a choice of two simple betting strategies to turn our amazing strike rates into welcome profits.  You then select your User Mode (filter by strongest tips).

Try the FREE & LIVE trial today and then upgrade to monthly access or an annual licence for just 68p per day. Access our unique Steamers mode & get the amazing FormGenie-Betting Bot for use on Betfair (Betfair approved) to fully automate a variety of incredible strategies.

* Using Seamers Mode (win-place)

If you see anything in our home page Results that differs from the selections/ratings provided or is misleading (or contradict explanations below) in any way we will REFUND immediately on request without quibble.

Note: We aim to correct any possible unintentional errors in this results data within 60 mins of the last race of the day.

Note: The stated profit for the FormGenie Betfair Bot uisng profile #8 is a near-acurate guide only and may differ to the actual Bot performance as a consequence of substitutions/promotions/overlapping races/losing sequence (suspended profit). Due to the complexities of the Bot parameters it's only possible to state an estimated profit for the Bot. However, in the majority of cases the profit is understated and the losing sequence is overstated. This is made clear in the Bot's manual.

We try to be completely transparent with reporting our performance. As such, these latest results in the two tables below are from FormGenie’s Extreme User Mode. This is where every UK and Irish race is analysed, and selections are made from each race by the program (the 2nd Tab is Steamers Mode). These actual results are published without any editing or manipulation and using the originally declared Going. They are based on the exact tips supplied to our members at 8:30 PM the night before racing.

The winners below were tips predicted by FormGenie for today. Users may select Super or Power User Modes (filter to the day’s strongest tips) to reduce the number of races analysed and potentially improve strike rates further. Our recorded odds that comprise our profit/loss calculations exclude Betfair Exchange Prices (due to the bigger priced outsiders that win skewing the final figures – albeit easily in our favour!) A limitation of our fast results feed means that, whilst different to our 365-day reports, non-runners are not deducted from the runner count and as such occasionally the each-way validity may be incorrect. Odds quoted may exclude R4s.)

You can switch to the Steamers results tab to see how these selections fared on the day (Steamers are available 11:00 day of race. See below for more info about Steamers)

BetFair SP is likely to be on average 15% greater than industry SP and as much as 25% bigger on 14/1+ winners.

Note the industry forecasted odds. You can see how often they are completely out of kilter with the starting prices and note how well supported FormGenie selections are whether, Top Rated or Dutch Rated. That’s the incredible power of FormGenie’s Artificial Intelligence.

The unambiguous selections are ranked and clearly indicated in just a few seconds with an incredible strike rate of both "Top-Rated" only and "Dutching". Note the strike rate for Top-Rated Only' is calculated using the number of Top-Rated selections that win (or place at 5/1+ best prices), whereas the Strike Rate for Dutching is where the indicated Top or Dutch Rated wins (not just places). Both are betting systems proven over many years and results published every day.

Although users can change the "Going" to recalculate the race/ratings based on any going change, these results are based purely on the original going description exported with the declarations file at 8.30 the night before racing. For example, if the going at Newmarket was declared as GF then changed to GS after heavy rain we would expect users to change the going switch on the app, but we would not alter the original ratings/selections for the purpose of our p/l reporting (to maintain transparency and credibility).

Actual FormGenie Predicted Winners

All User Modes (no filters). Gold Annual subscribers viewed selections from 8.30 the night before racing!

Time Horse Course Forecast OddsFCast Best Odds Starting PriceSP Result
Last updated


The above table of winners is for our Regular Users (not Steamer Users). The strike rates (shown in the graphs on this page) include all losers. Our Top-Rated (blue rows) selections that are placed if 5/1 or more are listed (as part of each way recommendations). Our Dutch selections (these are not top rated, but 2nd or 3rd rated) are only included if they win (green rows). The quota per race of Dutch selections are as follows (note when using the Dutch method, we also back the Top Rated so these are included in the quotas): 2 selections up to 6 runners, 3 selections up to 14 runners and 4 selections when 15+ runners. For the purposes of our charts, strike rates and P/L figures, if an original Dutch or Top-Rated selection is a Non-runner we do NOT include promoted horses. It simply means we have less selections running for us when calculating our P/L and strike rates. Note whilst we record the Best Odds available this figure excludes Betfair and only includes the 9 conventional bookmakers we monitor. It should be understood we have no way of predicting when the odds will be at their highest, so it is therefore not possible to back the best odds 100 percent of the time. However, most will shorten form their early / overnight price.

FormGenie ratings can be enhanced by our Steamers algorithm (made available at 11:00am). Upgrade today.  Read more about Steamers Mode

Time Horse Course Forecast OddsFCast Best Odds Starting PriceSP Result
Last updated


The above table of winners is for our amazing Steamers mode. A HOT (red row) or WARM (brown row) Steamer selection is part of the Steamers User Mode (only available to Gold, Silver and Bronze annual members & Day Pass users). Steamers is a hybrid of FormGenie's originally calculated Regular ratings (which are available from 8.30 the night before racing) and any signicant subsequent market influence (whether positive or negative) overnight up to 11:00 am day of racing. This market intelligence is an incredibly valuable feature for the serious punter that improves our already impressive strike rate and winner count of Top Rated and Dutch rated selections. Crucially we can avoid backing those COLD horses that may have been highly rated on export, but have not fared well in the markets. Whilst a Steamer selection can be a promoted runner that was not part of the original FormGenie ratings, they can also be a Steamer that retains its position as a Top or Dutch rated horse from the original export to regular users. Our sophisticated and ingenious Steamers algorithm (made available at 11:00am) is a major enhancement to FormGenie ratings with higher strike rates across recommended strategies.

Upgrade today. Read more about Steamers Mode

Computerised form ratings to any screen

  • Operate from any smartphone, tablet, PC or MAC  (or VPS)
  • Every UK and Irish horserace assessed in seconds with no manual inputting - back/lay
  • Income from gambling profit is Tax Free - so make the most of it!
  • Easy to use unambiguous ratings program has made a level stakes profit each year since 2006
  • Bet like a pro with 54% strike rates when Dutching and 37% strike rates backing Top Rated only
  • Payable daily or monthly by card, PayPal or Bitcoin (save 20%)
  • See incredible 365 Profit and Loss updated daily

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Regular Users


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